El rincón natural

viernes, 25 de septiembre de 2009

When size REALLY matters....

Evolutionary biology: Well endowed (bien equipados)

Females prefer to associate with males with longer intromittent organs in mosquitofish.
Andrew T. Kahn, Brian Mautz and Michael D. Jennions.
Biol. Lett. published online 15 September 2009.
doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0637

En este pequeño trabajo demostraron que en el pez-mosquito (mosquitofish) existe preferencia por parte de las hembras para seleccionar machos de acuerdo al tamaño de su gonopodio, que es una modificación de la aleta anal utilizado para copular. Para comprobar esto, utilizaron tres tipos de machos: tipo silverstre (bien equipado), reducción menor del tamaño del gonopodio y reducción mayor del tamaño del gonopodio. Al poner en contacto a hembras con este tipo de machos se determinó estadísticamente que las hembras preferencialmente se asocian con machos "bien reportados" (no es albur), mientras que si se pone en contacto a hembras con machos no tan equipados entonces no existe diferencia estadística sobre la preferencia a la hora de seleccionar macho para aparearse.


Tamaños de Gonopodios en estos peces utilizados para los experimentos

Con este se propone que pudiera estar involucrado un proceso de selección hacia el tamaño del gonopodio, debido a que se asocia con cuestiones relacionadas con el éxito reproductivo en estos organismos, y a criterio personal, creo que no se puede descartar que existan este tipo de mecanismos selectivos durante el proceso reproductivo en otras especies, incluidos quiza los seres humanos... o será que es por otra cosa? o.O Se los dejo a discusión en este blog.


martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009

Nuestro personaje del Mes

Steven Jay-Gould
Fuente: http://www.stephenjaygould.org/biography.html

When five-year-old Stephen Jay Gould first marveled at the towering Tyrannosaurus skeleton in the American Museum of Natural History, he decided to spend his life studying fossils. Although few children in Queens, New York, shared his early fascination for evolution, he never considered any other career but paleontology.

Now professor at Harvard University and curator of its Museum of Comparative Zoology, Gould attended Antioch College, then returned to Manhattan, for graduate work in paleontology at Columbia University. For his doctoral thesis he investigated variation and evolution in an obscure Burmudian land snail, anchoring his later theorizing in intense scrutiny of a single group of organisms, as Darwin had done with Barnacles.

At one point, he hoped to find correlation between variation and different ecologies within the creature's range, but the snails' sizes, colors and shell shapes seemed to vary quite independently of local environment. Impressed with the importance of nonselectionist factors in evolution, he also became interested in structural constraints: How slight changes in one feature must alter several others within definite limits—what Darwin had called "correlation of parts."

Gould also became interested in distinguishing incidental features from adaptive ones. He coauthored (with Richard Lewontin) an influential paper inspired by the spandrels of certain medieval cathedrals: Geometric architectural features decorated with impressive religious paintings. While art historians had analyzed their distinctive aesthetic, most had forgotten the spandrel's humble origin as an unavoidable engineering consequences of stress distribution—a structural byproduct of constructing that kind of dome. As a biological example, Gould points out that the human chin, often cited as "advanced" in comparisons with "lower" primates, holds no special correlation with higher intelligence. It is, like the spandrels, an incidental result of stress and growth factors in the human jawbone.

Although Gould has become closely identified with the influential idea of punctuated equilibrium, it actually originated with paleontologist Niles Eldredge and was developed by them jointly. Eldredge's detailed studies of trilobites brought home to him a pattern that had impressed Thomas Henry Huxley: The fossil record seems to show "bursts" of speciation, then long periods of stability. Darwin's reply was that the fossil record was then too sketchy and incompletely known to provide evidence of pattered rates. But vast accumulations of paleontological evidence over the last century do not support Darwin's case for a steady, gradual evolutionary rate. Eldredge's trilobite series suggested, instead, relatively short episodes of rapid evolution followed by long periods of stability, confirming Huxley's impression. Gould enthusiastically agreed; it was time to acknowledge that such episodic patterns in the rocks probably reflect the reality of life's history. By the 1980s, "Punctuationalism" had become widely adopted and was proving to be a fruitful hypothesis for generating new insights and research. Although one of Gould's lifelong heroes is Charles Darwin, whose achievements he has celebrated in such books as Ever Since Darwin (1977) and The Panda's Thumb (1980), he is irreverent toward the orthodox Synthetic Theory of evolution that has prevailed in biology since the 1940s. Dissatisfied with the limits of its explanatory power, he is open to exploring other possible mechanisms and approaches to supplement traditional natural selection—to the dismay of more conservative colleagues.

One of his approaches has been to emphasize the hierarchy of levels on which evolution operates; biochemical, genetic, embryological, physiological, individual, societal, species, lineages. Sorting or selection on any of these levels, he believes, produces significant effects on the level above or below it—a promising and largely unexplored area for future research. Yale paleontologist Elisabeth Vrba and others agree with Gould about the importance of such hierarchical studies.

Among opponents of punctuationalism, a few (Richard Dawkins, Verne Grant) complain Gould has set up a "straw man" of Darwinian gradualism and that jumpy or "quantum evolution" was discussed years ago by Ernst Mayr and George Gaylord Simpson. Examples of Darwin's self-contradictory fudging are easy to find, but Gould maintains that change "by slow, insensible degrees" remained central to Darwinian thought. And while acknowledging his predecessors' insights, Gould argues that often it is a shift of emphasis and focus rather than a radically new idea that leads to deeper scientific understanding.

Gould's success as a popular author is another tempting target for critics; he does not shrink from public controversies. He appeared before Congressional committees on environmental issues, was a courtroom witness in the Arkansas Scopes II trial regarding teaching of evolution in the public schools and is prominent in speaking out against pseudo-scientific racism and biological determinism. But even one of his most adamant detractors, Robert Wright, while recently attacking one of his books in the pages of The New Republic, grudgingly began his diatribe: "The acclaim for Stephen Jay Gould is just shy of being universal . . . He is, after all, America's evolutionist laureate."

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2009

Algo más que "gadgets"

Aquí les dejo un enlace a una página web interesante sobre "gadgets", y no precisamente esos que pones en tu blog para rellenarlo y que no sea vea tan escueto (me quedó el saco). En fin, tiene varias curiosidades que hasta dan un poco de risa como: un trípode para un iPhone... etc, etc.


Aquí les va pues: http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab

Qué pasó en el mundo la fecha en que nací?

Aquí les dejo un post sin afán de presunción, sólo para recordar históricamente qué sucesos se dieron en un 21 de septiembre, aparte de mi nacimiento, que es sólo un granito de arena en el mar de la historia universal.

19 AC Muere el poeta Publio Virgilio Marón.
1452 Nace el dominico Girolamo Savoranola.
1551 Fundación de la Universidad de México, primera del Nuevo Mundo.
1558 Fallece el emperador Carlos V.
1561 Un devastador incendio destruye gran parte de la ciudad de Valladolid.
1576 Fallece el matemático Gerolamo Cardano.
1792 Francia: Luis XVI es depuesto.
1794 Regresa a Cádiz la expedición científica de Alejandro Malaspina.
1860 Muere el filósofo Arthur Schopenhauer.
1895 Nace el ingeniero Juan de la Cierva.
1902 Nace el poeta Luis Cernuda.
1908 Fallece el violinista Pablo Sarasate.
1974 Perico Fernández campeón de mundo de los superligeros.
1976 El ex embajador chileno Orlando Letelier, exiliado de Pinochet, es asesinado en EEUU.
1983 Desaparece el filósofo Xavier Zubiri.
1990 Nace mi camarada Luis Antonio.
1993 Rusia: golpe de estado de Boris Yeltsin, que disuelve el parlamento ruso.
--> England. 1937: J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit," is first published which follows the quest of home-loving Bilbo Baggins.
--> France. 1947: The French Grand Prix returns after the war years and Louis Chrion wins with his Talbot Lago in Lyon.
--> China. 21st Sept. 1949 : The Communist People’s Republic of China is proclaimed under Mao Tse Tung.

Sí que han pasado algunas cosillas, bueno al menos me da gusto saber que he dejado una huella en la historia, al menos una que yo y mis descendientes (cuando menos mi hijo y nietos) recordarán, con eso me basta y es suficiente.



Molecular Biology and Evolution - current issue

Genes & Development